6 Weeks Pregnant |
Eli and I have been praying for a family since we got married on 26 June 2010. And here we are, a testament to an answered prayer! We are currently six weeks pregnant! Truly a miracle! God has brought us SO far in the last year and eight months of our marriage. It started out very rocky and tumultuous due to my having something likened to post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with aggravated Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and major anxiety disorder (MAD) that I had no clue of. All I knew was that I panicked at nearly every event Eli and I were together - feeling like I was going to be abandoned, forgotten about, overlooked, etc. This caused me to become very intolerant, aggressive and jealous. I was constantly worried that my husband was going to forget about me and leave me so I was
Now back to the pregnancy! So far at six weeks I have been feeling a bit tired. Usually right after I do something, anything, I feel like rest is needed. Also, my baby feeders are quite tender. I feel cramping in my uterus area from time to time which is totally normal. Eli is SO happy! Neither of us can keep our mouths shut about it! We love telling people that we are pregnant and especially to pray for a full term and perfectly healthy baby! And now that you know, please join in on the prayer ; ) I plan on keeping you all updated week by week with the priceless belly pictures so keep reading and I would love to hear your thoughts!
Lots of love,