Nose bleeds seem to be quite normal in pregnancy, as are bleeding gums, overactive sweat glands (like I didn't already have a problem with this living in So. Cal!), growing feet, growing everything, strange eating habits, and the list continues to infinity it seems! But all is well with my soul because my God lives and has created a sweet life that is growing inside of me! By this time in pregnancy, our baby weighs about 10-11oz and is approximately 6.5in from crown to rump... this doesn't include the finger like legs and arms : ) Baby is starting to put on weight now that everything is in its proper positioning and organs are working at a somewhat normal level, those have some maturing to do as well!

We had a diagnostic ultrasound done a week ago... Our baby was healthy, average in size and weight and... is a boy!!!!! He wasn't shy about it either! At this stage in pregnancy, our baby boy's, "testicles have begun their descent from the abdomen. In a few months, they'll drop into the scrotum (which is still under construction)" (
What to Expect When You're Expecting pg. 233). There is also lots of room in there for him to move around and kick and punch and exercise his developing little joints and muscles. Soon he'll be too tight for somersaults and will prepare by positioning his head down toward my pelvis.